Our discovery today goes by the name of Tha JUST. This anonymous artist has recently unveiled an new great track "Crazy Love" featuring Dimelo Jovan and the least we can say is that we have been immediately seduced by this song that speack about the craziness that love can be.

About the Artist
As the music artist tells himself:
Some call me.... THA JUST, JUSTO, General JUST, THA GENERAL, JP Shines and A few others I can't think of. But, they all came from one original name given to me long ago - JUSTIFY. Which to me means True. I don't keep it real I keep it TRUE. From that way of livin and thinkin people called me Justify at a young age.
I have lived in many states throughout the US.
I am originally from North Carolina. But, I mainly grew up in the Northwest region of the United States. The Northwest consists of the cities and towns surrounding Seattle, WA and Portland, OR. When I was not in the Northwest, I was back home In Cackalack. This way, I never forgot my roots and always remembered where home was. When I was not living in Carolina, I was spending most the summer and winter times of my life back home in NC.
Most, if not all, of my family is from the East Coast and Down South. But, I have friends that I consider like family, All over the world. This is why I say JUSTIFY Worldwide. Cause I feel a part of me is somewhere is the world that I cannot physically be.
My music is a reflection of my life and soul. I write what I feel. My music expresses the many emotions that I've experienced. Some good, some bad, but All of me. ALL JUSTO. JUST keepin' it true. And to me keepin' it true, means to keep it JUST. You may not like all of my music. But, You gonna feel at least one song. I put all of me into it, how can you not?
Like life, I am not one sound nor one feeling. Can't put nor keep me in a box. Sorry. I talk about MY life. Happy, Sad, up, and Down. Everything. I try to relate to people. Have to cause that's who I write for. People. In the real world, we are all different going through different things in our lives. So I speak on different matters, subjects , and topics. It's only right, that I try to touch as many as I can. This way, we can learn from our differences and find similarities. A similarity of understandin and respect to build into a better reality. My music, is a symbol of that reality. Call it a Wish, a Dream, Hope , or just In different from the norm. Whatever "IT" is. It is what inspires me. Ignites a spark to fuel my motivation. I believe, We can learn from each other. We should. We just gotta try. Don't have to agree or like everything. Just learn and respect. That is what my music represents. It's who I am and What I do.
I am the Audacity, Attitude, and Voice Of Music.
JUSTO !!!!
Keep It JUST.